Upcoming Events and Activities

Morrin Centre: Literary Feast
Nov 10 @ 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM

Literary Feast

Join us for our annual fundraising dinner with Honorary President, Yvon Charest, President and Chief Executive Officer of Industrial Alliance and keynote speaker Roch Carrier. A novelist, playwright, children’s author, National Librarian of Canada and former director of the Canada Council for the Arts, Mr. Carrier will discuss his best-selling biography, Montcalm & Wolfe.

When: Thursday, November 10 at 5:30 PM

Nov 11 @ 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Remembrance Day civic and military ceremony at the Cenothaph on Grande Allée near Porte Saint-Louis, and the entrance to the Plains of Abraham.
10:30 a.m. with a Minute of Silence at 11 a.m.
Join the theatre Petit Champlain for English performances
Nov 11 @ 2:19 PM – 3:19 PM

The Theatre Petit Champlain will soon welcome various English-speaking artists from Toronto and other cities in Canada, such as Royal Wood, Calum Graham, Basia Bulat, Matt Dusk and more.

Join the Theatre Petit Champlain
Nov 12 @ 2:17 PM – 3:17 PM

The Theatre Petit Champlain will soon welcome various English-speaking artists from Toronto and other cities in Canada, such as Royal Wood, Calum Graham, Basia Bulat, Matt Dusk and more.

Irish Heritage Quebec: Joe Sutcliffe
Nov 13 @ 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Irish Heritage Quebec: Joe Sutcliffe

Sunday, November 13 at 2:00 p.m. – IRISH HERITAGE QUEBEC will hold its next activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City, exceptionally on Sunday.

Joe Lonergan will interview war veteran and career soldier Joseph Patrick Sutcliffe who saw action during the Second World War and the Korean War as well as having served in the aftermath of the Suez Crisis with Canada’s Peace Mission.

We hope to see many of you there. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated.

The Volunteer program of the Valcartier Family Centre
Nov 15 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

The Volunteer program of the Valcartier Family Centre

Many volunteer opportunities are available, see www.familyforce.ca. If you would like to be part of our dynamic group or if you have questions or comments, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at the VFC.

Julie Lessard

Programme d’Action bénévole du Centre de la Famille Valcartier

Plusieurs occasions de bénévolat sont disponibles, à www.familyforce.ca. Si vous souhaitez faire partie de notre équipe dynamique ou si vous avez des questions ou commentaires, contactez la personne responsable de l’action bénévole du CFV.

Julie Lessard

Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Nov 16 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Volunteer Networking Activity
Nov 17 @ 5:00 PM – 5:00 PM


Volunteer Networking Event

Are you currently a volunteer or does volunteering interest you?  Participate in this FREE, unique networking opportunity to connect, exchange ideas and learn more about volunteer opportunities from French and English volunteer organizations.


VEQ’s Community Mural Project
Nov 17 @ 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

VEQ’s Community Mural Project

Workshops for VEQ’s Community Mural Project: Participate in a workshop to create a painting for VEQ’s Community Mural Project. Learn new skills and socialize with other English speakers in a welcoming environment. No previous painting experience is necessary. Each participant will receive a kit to complete their painting.

There are three 2-hour workshops to choose from (maximum eight participants in each workshop): Saturday, November 12, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon (for children),
Thursday, November 17, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. (for adults) or
Thursday, November 24, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. (for adults).

To participate or for more information, contact daniel.potter@veq.ca at 418 683-2366 ext. 222, or by email at daniel.potter@veq.ca.

VEQ is looking for community members willing to submit a painting that represents what the English-speaking community is to them. This innovative project will bring community members together through the creation of a collaborative mural. A total of 100 participants of all ages will collaborate to create the mural, resulting in a lasting and permanent exhibit. This project will take place from June 2016 to March 2017 and will conclude with a special event where all community members will be invited to view the mural showcasing our community’s rich heritage and unique identity. The mural will then become a permanent exhibit in our community Wellness Centre. VEQ will provide materials to participants. This project is funded by Canadian Heritage.

Immersions Quebec Help Share Quebec’s Culture by Joining Our Team!
Nov 18 all day

Immersions Quebec

Help Share Quebec’s Culture by Joining Our Team!

L’epiCentre du Quartier, a charitable organization whose mission includes helping immigrants integrate into Quebec’s society and culture, is launching an exciting new program – Immersions Quebec– and we’d love to have you join us as a Volunteer Facilitator!

What is Immersions Quebec?

Unlike a traditional classroom-based language program, Immersions Quebec is designed to apply existing French and English language skills. As such, an Immersion is neither a guided tour nor a language lesson – it is a facilitated exploration of cultural sites, shopping districts and other venues during which participants use a second language to learn about and discuss Quebec’s culture, heritage and daily life.

Facilitated Experiences – not Guided Tours…

Immersion Quebec offers facilitated visits, not guided tours. During a guided tour, the guide does most of the talking. Not so with an Immersion. The mission of our Volunteer Facilitators is to induce participants to practice their language skills by having them d the talking. To facilitate this, prior to an Immersion experience participants will be asked to do a bit of homework – to

review reference material concerning the sites to be visited. In doing so, they come with at least some prior knowledge. The job of our facilitators is to evoke that knowledge, call on prior experiences and encourage free discussion along the way.

Who are the Participants?

Immersion participants come from all quarters – new permanent residents, students, temporary residents, tourists, and even native Quebecois(es). For new residents and tourists that want to learn more about the city, its people and culture, there’s no better way than through an Immersion experience. For native Quebecois(es) who would like to re-experience their city and culture in a second language such as English, Immersions encourage practical language use in a familiar setting rather than a sterile, classroom-based language lesson.

Your Role as a Volunteer Facilitator.

As a Volunteer Facilitator you will be helping a group of five to seven people experience Quebec City as never before. Using your French and/or English language skills, knowledge of the City, and your personal experience, you will lead participants through neighborhoods or other areas they may not be familiar with, encourage discussion in the target language about what those areas have to offer, and last but not least, facilitate an engaging and enjoyable learning experience participants will want to continue by participating in other Immersion offerings.

Will I Receive Training?

Yes, absolutely! As a future Volunteer Facilitator, you will receive both classroom and on-the-ground training to familiarize you with the mission and function of a Facilitator. This includes an introduction to Immersion locales as well as access to reference materials and other documentation designed to help make your work both enjoyable and effective.

What Sort of Time Commitment is Involved?

After you have completed one two-hour classroom session and two on-the-ground training sessions, you will be free to determine your own schedule electronically. Ideally, once you’ve completed training, we’d like to have you facilitate four Immersions per month. If you can do more that’s great – if you want to do less, that’s fine too. It’s all up to you.

Are there Physical Requirements?

Yes. Working as a Volunteer Facilitator requires the ability to walk two kilometers. Otherwise, there is no lifting, carrying or other physical work involved.

Are there any other requirements?

Only that you enjoy working with people, can engage them in lively conversation, and finally, love showing off the rich culture and heritage of Quebec City.

How do I get started?

To get more information about Immersions Quebec and your potential role as a Facilitator, please contact: Joseph Ramunniat 418-661-7766 or by email at ramunnij@gmail.com.

Thanks for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!

International Supper by Guild of St. Andrew’s Church
Nov 19 @ 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

International Supper by Guild of St. Andrew’s Church

Saturday, November 19, from 5 to 7 p.m., International Supper hosted by the Guild of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kirk Hall, 45 Chaussée des Écossais.

Cost: $15.00 for adults; $5.00 for children between 5 and 12 years old; free for children under 5. To make a reservation, and for further information, call 418 694-1347. Please note that there were no tickets available at the door, so it would be good to make your reservation early.

Also, the 78th Fraser Highlanders will be presenting a concert on the same night at Chalmers-Wesley United Church, which starts at 7 pm, so if you arrive at St. Andrew’s by 5, you will have lots of time to eat, and walk just up the road for a treat for the ears.

St. Andrew’s Day celebration with 78th Fraser Highlanders
Nov 19 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

St. Andrew’s Day celebration with 78th Fraser Highlanders

Saturday, November 19 at 7:00 p.m. – Saint Andrew’s Day show featuring the 78th Fraser Highlanders Pipes and Drums, Crépuscule and Orand-Càraid, at Chalmers-Wesley United Church, 78 Rue Sainte-Ursule in Old Quebec.

The show will be followed by a cocktail party in the lower hall including one drink (beer, wine or juice) and a taste of haggis.

Cost to attend the show only $20.
To attend the show and the cocktail party $25.
Parking at your cost in the neighbourhood.

For more information, or to reserve your ticket(s), visit www.78thfraser.ca/fete-st-andrew

La Baratte-Bénévolat
Nov 21 @ 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM

La Baratte

Veuillez voir ci-dessous pour nos opportunités de bénévolat:
  • Service de livraison de repas à domicile, soit en étant conducteur ou baladeur. Consiste à livrer des repas chauds aux personnes en perte d’autonomie, sur l’heure du dîner. Demande une présence entre 10 h et 12h30. Le service est proposé du Lundi au Vendredi. Votre implication est selon votre disponibilité.
  • Service à la clientèle pour la vente de produits congelés aux familles démunies. Situé au 2120 rue boivin
  • Service d’aide à la cuisine pour la préparation des mets. Demande une présence d’un minimum de 2 h par semaine, le matin ou l’après-midi selon les heures d’ouverture de l’organisme (8h-15h45)
  • Commis à la réception 
    Demande une présence d’un minimum de 2 h par semaine, le matin ou l’après-midi selon les heures d’ouverture de l’organisme (8h-15h45)


Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Nov 23 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Nov 23 @ 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM



Community event Photography
Nov 23 @ 6:15 PM – 9:00 PM

Community event Photography

Voice of English speaking Québec is looking for someone who would kindly lend their skills in photography in order to capture their newcomers event taking place on November 23rd from 6:15pm–9:00 pm.  We prefer that the person have equipment of their own but we can supply a standard camera if needed. If you are interested in this opportunity, please reach out to Daniel Potter at 418-683-2366 ext.222 or by email at daniel.potter@veq.ca


VEQ’s Community Mural Project
Nov 24 @ 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

VEQ’s Community Mural Project

Workshops for VEQ’s Community Mural Project: Participate in a workshop to create a painting for VEQ’s Community Mural Project. Learn new skills and socialize with other English speakers in a welcoming environment. No previous painting experience is necessary. Each participant will receive a kit to complete their painting.

There are three 2-hour workshops to choose from (maximum eight participants in each workshop): Saturday, November 12, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon (for children),
Thursday, November 17, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. (for adults) or
Thursday, November 24, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. (for adults).

To participate or for more information, contact Daniel Potter at 418-683-2366 ext.222 or by email at daniel.potter@veq.ca

VEQ is looking for community members willing to submit a painting that represents what the English-speaking community is to them. This innovative project will bring community members together through the creation of a collaborative mural. A total of 100 participants of all ages will collaborate to create the mural, resulting in a lasting and permanent exhibit. This project will take place from June 2016 to March 2017 and will conclude with a special event where all community members will be invited to view the mural showcasing our community’s rich heritage and unique identity. The mural will then become a permanent exhibit in our community Wellness Centre. VEQ will provide materials to participants. This project is funded by Canadian Heritage.

Chit Chat Club-Currently looking for English monitors
Nov 25 @ 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Chit Chat Club

The Chit Chat Club is currently at max capacity for volunteers and participants. We are always looking for English-speaking volunteer monitors  to facilitate the chatting at the tables while we work.

The Chitchat Club is tailor-made for those who wish to practice speaking French and/or English while keeping their hands busy. Volunteer second language teachers act as conversation monitors and guide discussion groups while chatty volunteers work in teams to wash toys, prepare children’s crafts, organize cupboards, fold pamphlets and attend to other interesting assignments for the Wellness Centre programs.

Upcoming Dates

Fridays, 9:30 to 11:30 am

September 30, 2016
October 28, 2016
November 25, 2016
January 20, 2017
February 17, 2017
March 31, 2017
May 26, 2017

Special Request

We are still currently looking for native English-speaking volunteers to facilitate the chatting at these tables while we work. Many of our volunteers are very eager to hear and speak in English with English-speakers. If you are interested in helping in this way, we would happily welcome new additions to our team. For more information, please call 418-683-2366 ext.222.

Turkey Supper at Cathedral of Holy Trinity
Nov 26 @ 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Turkey Supper at Cathedral of Holy Trinity

Saturday, November 26, 5 – 7 p.m. – Holy Trinity Cathedral Turkey Supper with all the trimmings. Adults $15, under 12 yrs: $5, under 5: free. Wendy Deschamps, telephone: 418 915-8444

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, 31 Rue des Jardins, Old Quebec

Shannon Community Breakfast
Nov 27 @ 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Shannon Community Breakfast

Sunday, November 27, from 9:a.m. to 12 noon – CWL Shannon Community Breakfast at Shannon Hall, Gosford Road. Adults $7, children (6-12) $5, 5 and under FREE.

Shannon Hall, 75 Chemin Gosford, Shannon, QC

Book Club-Monique Corriveau Library
Nov 29 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Book Club

Our book club meets at the Monique Corriveau Library on the last Tuesday of the month. Our reading list is below.



If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact Wallace Robertson at wallace.robertson403@gmail.com

Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Nov 30 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Traditional Recipe Swap-Lifelong Learning
Nov 30 @ 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Traditional Recipe Swap

Wednesday November 30th
Laine Lepage is back with her famous, traditional holiday recipe swap! Do you have a favourite seasonal recipe? If so,November 30th is definitely a date for your calendar. This is the ideal time to share your seasonal culinary masterpiece with the LLL membership. In the spirit of “each one bring one” this workshop is all about the sentiments of the festive season through the swapping and sharing of traditional culinary delights. Feel free to make your dish/cookie etc. and share on the day. Facilitator Laine LePage will ensure participants depart with an abundance of edible  treats and a seasonalsurprise.

Wednesday  November 30th  12:30am – 14:30
Quebec City Reading Council
3005 William Stuart, G1W1V4

Morrin Centre seeking volunteers
Dec 1 @ 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Morrin Centre seeking volunteers
The Morrin Centre, located in the heart of Old Quebec (44, chaussée des Écossais Québec), is seeking volunteers to lead their English Discussion Groups this fall.

There are currently three groups that meet on a weekly basis: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 7 pm and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3 pm.

We are looking for friendly, dynamic volunteers who have had some experience teaching or leading a group. Knowledge of French isn’t necessary as the Morrin Centre screens the participants to make sure that they have an intermediate knowledge of English. There is no curriculum to follow, but the discussion leader can help people with vocabulary and pronunciation and suggest topics for discussion.

The groups will begin meeting during the week of September 19th and finish the first week of December.
If you are available on Wednesday afternoons and/or Tuesday and Thursday evenings and are bilingual or a native speaker of English, please contact Rosemarie Fischer at 418 694-9147 – extension 221, or write to info@morrin.org.

Technology Workshops for Seniors-Facetime 101
Dec 2 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Technology Workshops for Seniors

VEQ is proud to announce the first installment of Technology Workshops for seniors of our community. These workshops are hosted by high school students who will teach a mini-lesson on the topic and then the participants will have time to practice what they have learned with the students on hand to ask any questions that may arise. Quebec High School will host the first session of workshops. St. Patrick’s High School will host a second set of workshops in 2016. Please feel free to bring your tablet, laptop or iPad to the workshops.

For more information or to RSVP for a workshop, please contact Jeanne Nivischiuk at quebecenforme@veq.ca or by calling 418-683-2366 ext. 227. 

Technology Workshops
Fall 2016 SCHEDULE


Quebec Art Company 35th Anniversary Gala
Dec 3 @ 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Quebec Art Company 35th Anniversary Gala

Saturday, December 3 at 8:00 p.m. – Quebec Art Company 35th Anniversary Gala at the Morrin Centre, 44 Chaussée des Écossais in Old quebec.

This one-night-only wine-and-cheese event will include a short retrospective video collage of highlights of past shows as well as new, original performances by QAC members and others.

Tickets ($20) will be limited, so please reserve in advance on our website at www.quebecartcompany.com. For further information, write us at gala@quebecartcompany.com or call Ladd Johnson at 418 998-6622.

Family Christmas Concert at St. Andrew’s Church
Dec 4 @ 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Family Christmas Concert by Vibrant Voices

Family Christmas Concert by Vibrant Voices/Voix Vivantes and the German Choir of Quebec at St. Andrew’s Church, 106 Rue Saint Anne, in Old Quebec. It will feature songs in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Icelandic, accompanied by piano, harp, guitar and accordion. Coffee and hot chocolate served after the concert and a sale of traditional Christmas decorations and German pastries. Admission $10, children 12 and under free. For more information, visit vibrantvoicesvoixvivantes.wordpress.com

Volunteers needed for St. Patrick’s high school woodworking program
Dec 5 @ 3:30 AM – 8:30 AM

St. Patrick’s high school woodworking program


St.Patrick’s high school is currently looking forvolunteers with carpentry, cabinetmaking, or millwrighting experience.  To help guide students projects and/or do tool maintenance such as repairs, tuning, and sharpening.

For more information, please contact Daniel Potter at 418-683-2366 ext.222 or by email at daniel.potter@veq.ca.

The Volunteer program of the Valcartier Family Centre
Dec 5 @ 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

The Volunteer program of the Valcartier Family Centre

Many volunteer opportunities are available, see www.familyforce.ca. If you would like to be part of our dynamic group or if you have questions or comments, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at the VFC.

Julie Lessard
Programme d’Action bénévole du Centre de la Famille Valcartier

Plusieurs occasions de bénévolat sont disponibles, à www.familyforce.ca. Si vous souhaitez faire partie de notre équipe dynamique ou si vous avez des questions ou commentaires, contactez la personne responsable de l’action bénévole du CFV.

Julie Lessard

Défilé de la St.Patrick Annual meeting
Dec 5 @ 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Défilé de la St. Patrick Annual Meeting

Monday, December 5 at 7:30 p.m. – The Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de Québec will hold its Annual Meeting in the auditorium of St. Patrick’s High School, 75 Rue de Maisonneuve, Québec. All are welcome.
Irish Heritage Quebec Annual Meeting
Dec 5 @ 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Irish Heritage Quebec Annual Meeting

December 12 at 7:30 p.m. – Irish Heritage Quebec Annual Meeting will take place in McMahon Hall (St. Patrick’s Church, 1145 de Salaberry).

Upon conclusion of business, Kevin O’Farrell will be presented a plaque in recognition of the excellence of his book, “The Rock Baron of St. Macinaw,” a tribute to his father Francis O’Farrell.

Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information, phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.

Technology Workshops for Seniors-Safe Online Shopping
Dec 7 @ 5:30 AM – 6:30 AM

Technology Workshops for Seniors

VEQ is proud to announce the first installment of Technology Workshops for seniors of our community. These workshops are hosted by high school students who will teach a mini-lesson on the topic and then the participants will have time to practice what they have learned with the students on hand to ask any questions that may arise. Quebec High School will host the first session of workshops. St. Patrick’s High School will host a second set of workshops in 2016. Please feel free to bring your tablet, laptop or iPad to the workshops.

For more information or to RSVP for a workshop, please contact Jeanne Nivischiuk atquebecenforme@veq.ca or by calling 418-683-2366 ext. 227.


Dec 7 @ 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

VEQ Holiday Happy Hour

Voice of English-speaking Quebec is looking for volunteers to assist in their Holiday Happy Hour taking place Wednesday, December 7 at the Morrin Centre in the heart of the old city. This charming and free 5 à 7 event is open to everyone.

VEQ is looking for …hhh-postcard-2

  • 2 volunteers willing to heat and prepare hors d’oeuvres (in the kitchen)
  • 2 – 3 volunteers to serve/circulate platters to attendees (neatly dressed)
  • 1 volunteer to greet and direct attendees during this elegant event
  • 1 volunteer to circulate and take quality photos of attendees

All of these are 3-hour shifts (due to the nature of the event 5 – 7 pm). The VEQ staff are present everywhere to make things run smoothly but the help of our volunteers is priceless and extremely appreciated!! To learn more, read here. 

VEQ Holiday Happy Hour
Dec 7 @ 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM





TIME: 5:00-7:00PM




Caring Circle Café: Caregiver’s Christmas Tea
Dec 8 @ 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
The Caring Circle Café offers an oasis for English-speaking caregivers to meet, share experiences, recharge their batteries, find resources, learn new things and enjoy mutual support.

We invite you to treat yourself to a little ME time in the community art studio on the second floor of the Jeffery Hale pavilion (1270 chemin Ste-Foy). If you are reluctant to attend because you cannot leave your loved one alone, please call us so we can find a way to assist you. This activity is made possible through funding provided by L’APPUI Capitale-Nationale pour les proches aidants des ainés. Click here to see the online schedule: http://wejh.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/CCCafeflyer.p

Immersions Quebec Help Share Quebec’s Culture by Joining Our Team!
Dec 9 all day

Immersions Quebec

Help Share Quebec’s Culture by Joining Our Team!

L’epiCentre du Quartier, a charitable organization whose mission includes helping immigrants integrate into Quebec’s society and culture, is launching an exciting new program – Immersions Quebec– and we’d love to have you join us as a Volunteer Facilitator!

What is Immersions Quebec?

Unlike a traditional classroom-based language program, Immersions Quebec is designed to apply existing French and English language skills. As such, an Immersion is neither a guided tour nor a language lesson – it is a facilitated exploration of cultural sites, shopping districts and other venues during which participants use a second language to learn about and discuss Quebec’s culture, heritage and daily life.

Facilitated Experiences – not Guided Tours…

Immersion Quebec offers facilitated visits, not guided tours. During a guided tour, the guide does most of the talking. Not so with an Immersion. The mission of our Volunteer Facilitators is to induce participants to practice their language skills by having them d the talking. To facilitate this, prior to an Immersion experience participants will be asked to do a bit of homework – to review reference material concerning the sites to be visited. In doing so, they come with at least some prior knowledge. The job of our facilitators is to evoke that knowledge, call on prior experiences and encourage free discussion along the way.

Who are the Participants?

Immersion participants come from all quarters – new permanent residents, students, temporary residents, tourists, and even native Quebecois(es). For new residents and tourists that want to learn more about the city, its people and culture, there’s no better way than through an Immersion experience. For native Quebecois(es) who would like to re-experience their city and culture in a second language such as English, Immersions encourage practical language use in a familiar setting rather than a sterile, classroom-based language lesson.

Your Role as a Volunteer Facilitator.

As a Volunteer Facilitator you will be helping a group of five to seven people experience Quebec City as never before. Using your French and/or English language skills, knowledge of the City, and your personal experience, you will lead participants through neighborhoods or other areas they may not be familiar with, encourage discussion in the target language about what those areas have to offer, and last but not least, facilitate an engaging and enjoyable learning experience participants will want to continue by participating in other Immersion offerings.

Will I Receive Training?

Yes, absolutely! As a future Volunteer Facilitator, you will receive both classroom and on-the-ground training to familiarize you with the mission and function of a Facilitator. This includes an introduction to Immersion locales as well as access to reference materials and other documentation designed to help make your work both enjoyable and effective.

What Sort of Time Commitment is Involved?

After you have completed one two-hour classroom session and two on-the-ground training sessions, you will be free to determine your own schedule electronically. Ideally, once you’ve completed training, we’d like to have you facilitate four Immersions per month. If you can do more that’s great – if you want to do less, that’s fine too. It’s all up to you.

Are there Physical Requirements?

Yes. Working as a Volunteer Facilitator requires the ability to walk two kilometers. Otherwise, there is no lifting, carrying or other physical work involved.

Are there any other requirements?

Only that you enjoy working with people, can engage them in lively conversation, and finally, love showing off the rich culture and heritage of Quebec City.

How do I get started?

To get more information about Immersions Quebec and your potential role as a Facilitator, please contact: Joseph Ramunni at 418-661-7766 or by email ramunnij@gmail.com.

Thanks for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!

Technology Workshops for Seniors-Snapchat 101
Dec 9 @ 4:00 AM – 5:00 AM

Technology Workshops for Seniors

VEQ is proud to announce the first installment of Technology Workshops for seniors of our community. These workshops are hosted by high school students who will teach a mini-lesson on the topic and then the participants will have time to practice what they have learned with the students on hand to ask any questions that may arise. Quebec High School will host the first session of workshops. St. Patrick’s High School will host a second set of workshops in 2016. Please feel free to bring your tablet, laptop or iPad to the workshops.

For more information or to RSVP for a workshop, please contact Jeanne Nivischiuk atquebecenforme@veq.ca or by calling 418-683-2366 ext. 227.


Quebec Gospel Mass Choir Christmas Concert
Dec 11 @ 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Quebec Gospel Mass Choir Christmas Concert

Sunday, December 11 at 2:30 p.m. – Christmas concert by the Quebec Gospel Mass Choir at Chalmers-Wesley United Church, 78 Rue Sainte-Ursule. A rich and original repertoire, made up of traditional gospel music, some Christmas carols, under the direction of Ludovic Dubé. Tickets $15. For details, call 418 264-6247.
La Baratte-Bénévolat
Dec 13 @ 3:30 AM – 7:00 AM

La Baratte

  • Service de livraison de repas à domicile, soit en étant conducteur ou baladeur. Consiste à livrer des repas chauds aux personnes en perte d’autonomie, sur l’heure du dîner. Demande une présence entre 10 h et 12h30. Le service est proposé du Lundi au Vendredi. Votre implication est selon votre disponibilité.
  • Service à la clientèle pour la vente de produits congelés aux familles démunies. Situé au 2120 rue boivin
  • Service d’aide à la cuisine pour la préparation des mets. Demande une présence d’un minimum de 2 h par semaine, le matin ou l’après-midi selon les heures d’ouverture de l’organisme (8h-15h45)
  • Commis à la réception 
    Demande une présence d’un minimum de 2 h par semaine, le matin ou l’après-midi selon les heures d’ouverture de l’organisme (8h-15h45)
The Life and Times of Beatrix Potter-Lifelong Learning
Dec 13 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM

The Life and Times of Beatrix Potter
Presenter: Meb Reisner

Tuesday and Wednesday December 13th and 14th (Two-part series)
Beatrix Potter is a familiar and much loved author of such children’s classics as The Tale of Peter Rabbit, but her own story is less well known.
An amateur artist, naturalist and secret chronicler from her early childhood, she was able to escape the repressive world of her Victorian upbringing, survive a tragic love story, brave the unfamiliar world of publishers and publishing, and reinvent herself as a passionate environmentalist.
Participants will explore the magical world which Potter invented and into which she escaped, examine her meticulously observed characters, and follow her career as she re-invents herself at least three times in the course of a long, eventually happy and remarkably unusual life.

Tuesday AND Wednesday December 13th and 14th
Venue: Valcartier Family Centre, 1039 avenue Wolfe,
Ste. Foy, (QC) G1V3J9
Time: 10am – noon
Free parking.  Suitable for all mobility levels.

Book Club-Monique Corriveau Library
Dec 13 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Book Club

Our book club meets at the Monique Corriveau Library on the last Tuesday of the month. Our reading list is below.



If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact Wallace Robertson at wallace.robertson403@gmail.com

The Life and Times of Beatrix Potter-Lifelong Learning
Dec 14 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM

The Life and Times of Beatrix Potter
Presenter: Meb Reisner

Tuesday and Wednesday December 13th and 14th (Two-part series)
Beatrix Potter is a familiar and much loved author of such children’s classics as The Tale of Peter Rabbit, but her own story is less well known.
An amateur artist, naturalist and secret chronicler from her early childhood, she was able to escape the repressive world of her Victorian upbringing, survive a tragic love story, brave the unfamiliar world of publishers and publishing, and reinvent herself as a passionate environmentalist.
Participants will explore the magical world which Potter invented and into which she escaped, examine her meticulously observed characters, and follow her career as she re-invents herself at least three times in the course of a long, eventually happy and remarkably unusual life.

Tuesday AND Wednesday December 13th and 14th
Venue: Valcartier Family Centre, 1039 avenue Wolfe,
Ste. Foy, (QC) G1V3J9
Time: 10am – noon
Free parking.  Suitable for all mobility levels.

Technology Workshops for Seniors-Camera on Apple Device
Dec 14 @ 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM

Technology Workshops for Seniors

VEQ is proud to announce the first installment of Technology Workshops for seniors of our community. These workshops are hosted by high school students who will teach a mini-lesson on the topic and then the participants will have time to practice what they have learned with the students on hand to ask any questions that may arise. Quebec High School will host the first session of workshops. St. Patrick’s High School will host a second set of workshops in 2016. Please feel free to bring your tablet, laptop or iPad to the workshops.

For more information or to RSVP for a workshop, please contact Jeanne Nivischiuk at quebecenforme@veq.ca or by calling 418-683-2366 ext. 227.


Volunteers needed at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
Dec 14 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

The gift shop is open 7 days a week from early May until mid-November. Volunteers are needed for either a few hours or a few days a week.

Specifically, the gift shop volunteer will have as tasks and responsibilities to:

•Welcome visitors entering
•Thank the visitors leaving
•Manage the cash register
•Stimulate the sale of items
•Educate visitors about our guided tours
•Keep records of sales balance of each day
•Answer questions of visitors

Working knowledge of French and English is required

By volunteering with us, you’ll gain:

•Knowledge of a protected historical site
•Connection with a great community
•Language and communication skills


Tommy Byrne
Project Manager
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
31, rue des Jardins
Québec (QC) G1R 4L6 Canada

Tommy Byrne
Gestionnaire de projet | Project Manager
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
31, rue des Jardins
Québec (QC) G1R 4L6 Canada
Office: +1-418-692-2193
Cell: +1-418-454-6083

Book Club-Katherine Burgess
Dec 14 @ 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Book Club

This book club meets every 6 weeks at the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in the Mense.

Parking is available at the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and is completely free.

The group is currently reading a book called: “The Nest” by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney and meetings run from 7:00-9:30PM.


Technology Workshops for Seniors-Website Creation
Dec 16 @ 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Technology Workshops for Seniors

VEQ is proud to announce the first installment of Technology Workshops for seniors of our community. These workshops are hosted by high school students who will teach a mini-lesson on the topic and then the participants will have time to practice what they have learned with the students on hand to ask any questions that may arise. Quebec High School will host the first session of workshops. St. Patrick’s High School will host a second set of workshops in 2016. Please feel free to bring your tablet, laptop or iPad to the workshops.

For more information or to RSVP for a workshop, please contact Jeanne Nivischiuk at quebecenforme@veq.ca or by calling 418-683-2366 ext. 227. 

Technology Workshops
Fall 2016 SCHEDULE


Community Christmas Hamper Campaign
Dec 17 all day

The recruitment for drivers for the Community Christmas Hamper Campaign will begin in November!

For more information: http://qchampers.ca/

Volunteers needed at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
Dec 28 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

The gift shop is open 7 days a week from early May until mid-November. Volunteers are needed for either a few hours or a few days a week.

Specifically, the gift shop volunteer will have as tasks and responsibilities to:

•Welcome visitors entering
•Thank the visitors leaving
•Manage the cash register
•Stimulate the sale of items
•Educate visitors about our guided tours
•Keep records of sales balance of each day
•Answer questions of visitors

Working knowledge of French and English is required

By volunteering with us, you’ll gain:

•Knowledge of a protected historical site
•Connection with a great community
•Language and communication skills


Tommy Byrne
Project Manager
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
31, rue des Jardins
Québec (QC) G1R 4L6 Canada

Tommy Byrne
Gestionnaire de projet | Project Manager
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
31, rue des Jardins
Québec (QC) G1R 4L6 Canada
Office: +1-418-692-2193
Cell: +1-418-454-6083

Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Jan 4 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Jan 11 all day

The Volunteer program of the Valcartier Family Centre

Many volunteer opportunities are available, see www.familyforce.ca. If you would like to be part of our dynamic group or if you have questions or comments, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at the VFC.

Julie Lessard

Programme d’Action bénévole du Centre de la Famille Valcartier

Plusieurs occasions de bénévolat sont disponibles, à www.familyforce.ca. Si vous souhaitez faire partie de notre équipe dynamique ou si vous avez des questions ou commentaires, contactez la personne responsable de l’action bénévole du CFV.

Julie Lessard

Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Jan 11 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Volunteers needed at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
Jan 11 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

The gift shop is open 7 days a week from early May until mid-November. Volunteers are needed for either a few hours or a few days a week.

Specifically, the gift shop volunteer will have as tasks and responsibilities to:

•Welcome visitors entering
•Thank the visitors leaving
•Manage the cash register
•Stimulate the sale of items
•Educate visitors about our guided tours
•Keep records of sales balance of each day
•Answer questions of visitors

Working knowledge of French and English is required

By volunteering with us, you’ll gain:

•Knowledge of a protected historical site
•Connection with a great community
•Language and communication skills


Tommy Byrne
Project Manager
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
31, rue des Jardins
Québec (QC) G1R 4L6 Canada

Tommy Byrne
Gestionnaire de projet | Project Manager
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
31, rue des Jardins
Québec (QC) G1R 4L6 Canada
Office: +1-418-692-2193
Cell: +1-418-454-6083

Creative Expressions for Caregivers-Jeffery Hale Pavilion
Jan 12 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM

Creative Expressions for Caregivers

If you are caring for an aging loved one and long for a little creative time to yourself, this is the place for you! Join us and meet others who are living the same caregiver realities. Treat yourself to some ME time and enjoy discovering your creative side. Art materials are provided free of charge and parking is free. If you are reluctant to attend because you cannot leave your loved one alone, please let us know so we can find a way to assist you. Call 418 684-5333 Ext 1539 to register. For more information about other services for English-speaking caregivers please visit: http://wejh.ca/programs/caring-circle/

Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm EST
Technology Workshops for Seniors-Apps 101
Jan 13 @ 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

Technology Workshops for Seniors

VEQ is proud to announce the first installment of Technology Workshops for seniors of our community. These workshops are hosted by high school students who will teach a mini-lesson on the topic and then the participants will have time to practice what they have learned with the students on hand to ask any questions that may arise. Quebec High School will host the first session of workshops. St. Patrick’s High School will host a second set of workshops in 2016. Please feel free to bring your tablet, laptop or iPad to the workshops.

For more information or to RSVP for a workshop, please contact Jeanne Nivischiuk at quebecenforme@veq.ca or by calling 418-683-2366 ext. 227. 

Technology Workshops
Fall 2016 SCHEDULE


10:30AM-VEQ’s Digital Memories -Québec High School
Jan 16 @ 5:30 AM – 9:00 AM

VEQ’s Digital Memories – Filming

VEQ is looking for English-speakers aged 65+ to participate in an intergenerational project.

Youth will conduct interviews on January 16, 2017, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Québec High School.
*Transportation can be provided*

If you would like to share your memories or for more information, contact us by phone at
418-683-2366 ext. 221 or
by email at info@veq.ca

Location: Quebec High School
Date: Monday, January 16, 2017
Time: 10:30am-2:00pm EST
Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes
Irish Heritage Quebec – 1916 The Irish Rebellion documentary
Jan 16 @ 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Irish Heritage Quebec – 1916 The Irish Rebellion documentary

Irish Heritage Quebec will present the 1916 The Irish Rebellion in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Narrated by Liam Neeson, this 86-minute award-winning documentary tells the dramatic story of the events that took place in Dublin during Easter Week 1916, when a small group of Irish rebels took on the might of the British Empire.

The documentary features a combination of rarely seen archival footage, new segments filmed on location worldwide, and interviews with leading international experts.

An initiative of the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies at the University of Notre Dame, this documentary tells the story of the 1916 Easter Rising in a comprehensive way and, for the first time, places these events in their proper historical, political and cultural context as the precursor to an independent Irish state and the disintegration of colonial empires worldwide.

Location: St. Patrick’s Church, 1145 rue de Salaberry Quebec QC
Date: Monday, January 16, 2017
Time: 7:10pm-9:10pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
Technology Workshops for Seniors-iCalendar 101
Jan 17 @ 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM

Technology Workshops for Seniors

VEQ is proud to announce the first installment of Technology Workshops for seniors of our community. These workshops are hosted by high school students who will teach a mini-lesson on the topic and then the participants will have time to practice what they have learned with the students on hand to ask any questions that may arise. Quebec High School will host the first session of workshops. St. Patrick’s High School will host a second set of workshops in 2016. Please feel free to bring your tablet, laptop or iPad to the workshops.

For more information or to RSVP for a workshop, please contact Jeanne Nivischiuk at quebecenforme@veq.ca or by calling 418-683-2366 ext. 227. 

Technology Workshops
Fall 2016 SCHEDULE


Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Jan 18 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Lifelong Learning-Welcome back Tea and social event
Jan 18 @ 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Lifelong Learning-Welcome back Tea and social event

January 18th 2017.  It’s time for Lifelong Learning’s annual Welcome Back Tea and social event.

This is the time to come share a cup of tea with your friends and the staff of Quebec City Reading Council.  We will be taking membership fees for the upcoming year and offering up a host of edible treats for you to enjoy.  You are welcome to invite interested friends or colleagues to the event. 

Membership fee remains at $10 per person per year and includes a guest pass for one event plus free admission to all scheduled Lifelong Learning activities and events throughout the year.

Date: Wednesday January 18th
Venue: Valcartier Family Centre, 1039 avenue Wolfe,
Ste. Foy, (QC) G1V3J9
Time: 13:30 to 15:00
Free parking.  Suitable for all mobility levels.

Jan 19 all day

Immersions Quebec

Help Share Quebec’s Culture by Joining Our Team!

L’epiCentre du Quartier, a charitable organization whose mission includes helping immigrants integrate into Quebec’s society and culture, is launching an exciting new program – Immersions Quebec– and we’d love to have you join us as a Volunteer Facilitator!

What is Immersions Quebec?

Unlike a traditional classroom-based language program, Immersions Quebec is designed to apply existing French and English language skills. As such, an Immersion is neither a guided tour nor a language lesson – it is a facilitated exploration of cultural sites, shopping districts and other venues during which participants use a second language to learn about and discuss Quebec’s culture, heritage and daily life.

Facilitated Experiences – not Guided Tours…

Immersion Quebec offers facilitated visits, not guided tours. During a guided tour, the guide does most of the talking. Not so with an Immersion. The mission of our Volunteer Facilitators is to induce participants to practice their language skills by having them d the talking. To facilitate this, prior to an Immersion experience participants will be asked to do a bit of homework – to

review reference material concerning the sites to be visited. In doing so, they come with at least some prior knowledge. The job of our facilitators is to evoke that knowledge, call on prior experiences and encourage free discussion along the way.

Who are the Participants?

Immersion participants come from all quarters – new permanent residents, students, temporary residents, tourists, and even native Quebecois(es). For new residents and tourists that want to learn more about the city, its people and culture, there’s no better way than through an Immersion experience. For native Quebecois(es) who would like to re-experience their city and culture in a second language such as English, Immersions encourage practical language use in a familiar setting rather than a sterile, classroom-based language lesson.

Your Role as a Volunteer Facilitator.

As a Volunteer Facilitator you will be helping a group of five to seven people experience Quebec City as never before. Using your French and/or English language skills, knowledge of the City, and your personal experience, you will lead participants through neighborhoods or other areas they may not be familiar with, encourage discussion in the target language about what those areas have to offer, and last but not least, facilitate an engaging and enjoyable learning experience participants will want to continue by participating in other Immersion offerings.

Will I Receive Training?

Yes, absolutely! As a future Volunteer Facilitator, you will receive both classroom and on-the-ground training to familiarize you with the mission and function of a Facilitator. This includes an introduction to Immersion locales as well as access to reference materials and other documentation designed to help make your work both enjoyable and effective.

What Sort of Time Commitment is Involved?

After you have completed one two-hour classroom session and two on-the-ground training sessions, you will be free to determine your own schedule electronically. Ideally, once you’ve completed training, we’d like to have you facilitate four Immersions per month. If you can do more that’s great – if you want to do less, that’s fine too. It’s all up to you.

Are there Physical Requirements?

Yes. Working as a Volunteer Facilitator requires the ability to walk two kilometers. Otherwise, there is no lifting, carrying or other physical work involved.

Are there any other requirements?

Only that you enjoy working with people, can engage them in lively conversation, and finally, love showing off the rich culture and heritage of Quebec City.

How do I get started?

To get more information about Immersions Quebec and your potential role as a Facilitator, please contact: Joseph Ramunniat 418-661-7766 or by email at ramunnij@gmail.com.


Thanks for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!

Creative Expressions for Caregivers-Jeffery Hale Pavilion
Jan 19 @ 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Creative Expressions for Caregivers

If you are caring for an aging loved one and long for a little creative time to yourself, this is the place for you! Join us and meet others who are living the same caregiver realities. Treat yourself to some ME time and enjoy discovering your creative side. Art materials are provided free of charge and parking is free. If you are reluctant to attend because you cannot leave your loved one alone, please let us know so we can find a way to assist you. Call 418 684-5333 Ext 1539 to register. For more information about other services for English-speaking caregivers please visit: http://wejh.ca/programs/caring-circle/

Location: JH Pavilion 1270 chemin Ste-Foy (2nd floor community art room) Quebec, Qc G1S 2M4
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
10:30AM Technology Workshops for Seniors-Gmail 101-Québec High School
Jan 20 all day

Technology Workshops for Seniors

VEQ is proud to announce the first installment of Technology Workshops for seniors of our community. These workshops are hosted by high school students who will teach a mini-lesson on the topic and then the participants will have time to practice what they have learned with the students on hand to ask any questions that may arise. Quebec High School will host the first session of workshops. St. Patrick’s High School will host a second set of workshops in 2016. Please feel free to bring your tablet, laptop or iPad to the workshops.

For more information or to RSVP for a workshop, please contact Jeanne Nivischiuk at quebecenforme@veq.ca or by calling 418-683-2366 ext. 227. 

Technology Workshops
Fall 2016 SCHEDULE


Jan 20 @ 4:30 AM – 6:30 AM

Chit Chat Club

The Chit Chat Club is currently at max capacity for volunteers and participants. We are always looking for English-speaking volunteer monitors  to facilitate the chatting at the tables while we work.

The Chitchat Club is tailor-made for those who wish to practice speaking French and/or English while keeping their hands busy. Volunteer second language teachers act as conversation monitors and guide discussion groups while chatty volunteers work in teams to wash toys, prepare children’s crafts, organize cupboards, fold pamphlets and attend to other interesting assignments for the Wellness Centre programs.

Upcoming Dates

Fridays, 9:30 to 11:30 am

September 30, 2016
October 28, 2016
November 25, 2016
January 20, 2017
February 17, 2017
March 31, 2017
May 26, 2017


Special Request

We are still currently looking for native English-speaking volunteers to facilitate the chatting at these tables while we work. Many of our volunteers are very eager to hear and speak in English with English-speakers. If you are interested in helping in this way, we would happily welcome new additions to our team. For more information, please call 418-683-2366 ext.222.

Burns Supper – 78th Fraser Highlanders
Jan 21 @ 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Burns Supper – 78th Fraser Highlanders

The Fort St. Andrew’s Garrison of the 78th Fraser Highlanders, Quebec City, invites you to a Burns Night at Hôtel Château Laurier, 1220 Place George V Ouest, Québec, QC
Indoor Pay Parking (under the hotel) – enter via Avenue Wilfrid-Laurier
The evening begins at 6 p.m. with a cocktail hour. A four-course banquet with traditional haggis ceremony and other entertainment begins at 7:00 p.m.
Cost: $90 (glass of wine included)
Dress Code: Ladies – evening dress or business attire; Gentlemen – Scottish Highland Attire, tuxedo, military (mess Kit, miniature medals) or business suit (jacket and tie) R.S.V.P before January 16. Please provide the names of persons in your party, if applicable.
If you have any questions, please contact: Ted Gunn (418) 842-6563 or gunn@upc.qc.ca or Alan Stairs (418) 848-0745 or stairs@ccapcable.com
You may also reserve online at www.78thfraser.ca/evenements

Location: Chateau Laurier, 1220 Place George V Ouest, Quebec
Date: Saturday, January 21, 2017
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm EST
Duration: 3 hours
Quebec Art Company Auditions
Jan 22 @ 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Quebec Art Company Auditions

Quebec Art Company spring play auditions for “Self Help,” a comedy written by Norm Foster, with Mark Lepitre as the director, at Holland School, 940, avenue Ernest-Gagnon, Québec.

Further details will be available soon on the QAC website (www.quebecartcompany.com).

For any questions, please write to auditions@quebecartcompany.com.

Location: Holland Elementary School, 940 Ave. Ernest-Gagnon, Quebec
Date: Sunday, January 22, 2017
Time: 1:30pm-3:30pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
Caring Circle Café: Everything you always wanted to know about funerals
Jan 24 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM

The Caring Circle Café offers an oasis for English-speaking caregivers to meet, share experiences, recharge their batteries, find resources, learn new things and enjoy mutual support. Join us in the multipurpose room of the Jeffery Hale Pavilion (1270 ch. Ste-Foy) for a presentation on Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Funeral Planning but Were Afraid to Ask with Solange Pelland and Frederik Brunelle from Harmonia.

RSVP: Jan Anderson Community Organizer 684-JEFF (5333), ext. 1539

If you are reluctant to attend because you cannot leave your loved one alone, please call us so we can find a way to assist you. This free activity is made possible through funding provided by L’APPUI Capitale-Nationale pour les proches aidants des ainés.

Click here to see the online schedule: http://wejh.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/CCCafeflyer.pdf

Rotary Club-Mother’s Day High Tea
Jan 24 @ 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Rotary Club-Mother’s Day High Tea

The Rotary Club is hosting a Mother’s Day High Tea on 14 May 2017 from 2-5pm.  It will be held at the Petit Séminaire de Québec in the Salle des Promotions to raise money for Les Jeunes Générations – Literacy and World Citizens.  

Volunteers are requested:  men are needed to serve and women are asked to lend a hand by providing scones, cupcakes, etc.  All are welcome to attend the event and women are invited to wear their best bonnet.  There will be entertainment and door prizes.  For more information or to offer your assistance, contact Karen Hilchey, at karenhilchey2009@live.ca or by calling 418-655-5276.

Volunteers needed for St. Patrick’s high school woodworking program
Jan 25 @ 3:30 AM – 8:30 AM

St. Patrick’s high school woodworking program


St.Patrick’s high school is currently looking forvolunteers with carpentry, cabinetmaking, or millwrighting experience.  To help guide students projects and/or do tool maintenance such as repairs, tuning, and sharpening.

For more information, please contact Daniel Potter at 418-683-2366 ext.222 or by email at daniel.potter@veq.ca.

Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Jan 25 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Visions of “Community”-Morrin Centre
Jan 26 @ 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Visions of “Community”

What does “Community” mean to you?

Take part in three mixed media workshops and express your own unique visual representation of what being part of a community means!

With the help of Louis-Robert Bouchard from the collective Interférences, arts et technologies, using innovative techniques and tools of the digital trade, your own experiences will come to life!

In order to participate in this project, you will have to be able to attend all three workshops.

The final project will be unveiled on March 18 during a special launch party.

Sign your team up at
or call 418 694-9147 for details.

January 26, February 23 and March 2 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Location: Morrin Centre, 44 Chaussée des Écossais, Québec
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm EST
Duration: 3 hours
Volunteers needed at Carnaval de Québec
Jan 27 @ 4:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Vous aimeriez faire partie du plus grand rassemblement hivernal au monde?

Vous aimeriez faire vivre une expérience aux nombreux carnavaleux

et contribuer à créer une ambiance sur les sites et lors de nos différentes activités?

Allumez l’étincelle en devenant bénévole pour la 63e édition du Carnaval de Québec et profitez de la richesse de cette expérience pour développer vos compétences et vos aptitudes et ce, tout en préservant l’esprit de la fête!

Du 27 janvier au 12 février 2017

Les différentes possibilités :
– Accueil
– Animation
– Service à la clientèle
Les compétences recherchées :
– Esprit d’équipe
– Esprit festif
– Esprit de service
– Dynamisme
– Habiletés relationnelles
Les disponibilités requises pour être bénévole :
– Minimum de 2 jours; 4 heures par jour
– Horaire variable selon les disponibilités (jour, soir, semaine et fin de semaine)

Vos avantages en tant que bénévole
– Effigie donnant accès à tous les sites
– Participation à la soirée de reconnaissance des bénévoles du Carnaval de Québec

Pour toutes demandes d’informations, contactez-nous à l’adresse suivante :  placedelafamille@carnaval.qc.ca ou par téléphone 581-986-9142



Quebec Art Company AGM
Jan 29 @ 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Quebec Art Company AGM

Quebec Art Company Annual General Meeting at Holland School, 940 Avenue Ernest-Gagnon, Quebec. The meeting is open to both members and other interested parties – bring your thoughts and ideas!

As usual, we will elect members to the board (a.k.a. the “exec”) and are seeking members interested in being nominated to the board.

For details on the nomination process and the responsibilities of board members, please contact Kyle Chapman, the QAC election officer, by January 22 (elections@quebecartcompany.com).

Location: Holland Elementary School, 940 Ave. Ernest-Gagnon, Quebec
Date: Sunday, January 29, 2017
Time: 1:30pm-3:30pm EST
Duration: 2 hours


Wine Tasting with Lifelong Learning-EQLC
Jan 31 @ 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Wine Tasting with Lifelong Learning-EQLC

Join LLL for a spot of Wine Tasting with Ted and Louise Gunn.  The wine tasting will be combined with a brief history of the Bordeaux region in France, with particular reference to Amélie Durant, a 5th generation female winemaker from the Château Doms winery.  You can read more about the winery at: http://www.chateau-doms.fr/domaine_en.html 
Louise will also be giving a short presentation about her experience grape picking in France back in the swinging sixties. A variety of wines will be available for tasting, snacks will be provided and no grape crushing necessary.
There is a small cover charge of $5 to cover the cost of the wine.
This event is for members only; you may use your guest pass however your guest must also pay the $5.00 fee.
Date: Tuesday January 31st 2017
Time: 17h00-19h00
Location: Gymnasium, Eastern Quebec Learning Centre, 3005 rue William-Stuart  G1W 1V4
Amble free parking, and suitable for all mobility levels.

Book Club-Monique Corriveau Library
Jan 31 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Book Club

Our book club meets at the Monique Corriveau Library on the last Tuesday of the month. Our reading list is below.



If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact Wallace Robertson at wallace.robertson403@gmail.com

Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Feb 1 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Volunteers needed at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
Feb 1 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

The gift shop is open 7 days a week from early May until mid-November. Volunteers are needed for either a few hours or a few days a week.

Specifically, the gift shop volunteer will have as tasks and responsibilities to:

•Welcome visitors entering
•Thank the visitors leaving
•Manage the cash register
•Stimulate the sale of items
•Educate visitors about our guided tours
•Keep records of sales balance of each day
•Answer questions of visitors

Working knowledge of French and English is required

By volunteering with us, you’ll gain:

•Knowledge of a protected historical site
•Connection with a great community
•Language and communication skills


Tommy Byrne
Project Manager
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
31, rue des Jardins
Québec (QC) G1R 4L6 Canada

Tommy Byrne
Gestionnaire de projet | Project Manager
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
31, rue des Jardins
Québec (QC) G1R 4L6 Canada
Office: +1-418-692-2193
Cell: +1-418-454-6083

Guided tour of the Musée National des Beaux-arts du Québec-EQLC
Feb 8 @ 4:45 AM – 9:00 AM

Guided tour of the Musée National des Beaux-arts du Québec

A private guided tour of the new pavilion in addition to a pass that gives access to the museum following the guided tour. LLL has reserved a private room for lunch. You are welcome to bring your own lunch or purchase lunch at the museum café.  Please note, microwaves are not available in the lunch room.
Space is limited , so please call or email to reserve your place.
Date: Wednesday February 8th 2017
Time: Bus leaves Eastern Quebec Learning Centre 3005  William-Stuart, G1W 1V4 at 9h45 and departs the museum at 14h00.

There is free parking available at the centre.
Cost: $21.00 this includes the bus, the guided tour and admission to the museum.
The museum is suitable for all mobility levels.

Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Feb 8 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Creative Expressions for Caregivers-Jeffery Hale Pavilion
Feb 9 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM

Creative Expressions for Caregivers

If you are caring for an aging loved one and long for a little creative time to yourself, this is the place for you! Join us and meet others who are living the same caregiver realities. Treat yourself to some ME time and enjoy discovering your creative side. Art materials are provided free of charge and parking is free. If you are reluctant to attend because you cannot leave your loved one alone, please let us know so we can find a way to assist you. Call 418 684-5333 Ext 1539 to register. For more information about other services for English-speaking caregivers please visit: http://wejh.ca/programs/caring-circle/

Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm EST
Irish Heritage Quebec meeting-St.Patrick’s Church
Feb 13 @ 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Irish Heritage Quebec meeting

Irish Heritage Quebec meeting in McMahon Hall (St. Patrick’s Church, 1145 Rue de Salaberry). Brad Kent will give a presentation entitled Sean O’Faolain, the Irish Public Intellectual and European Culture. Kent is an associate professor of British and Irish literatures at Université Laval, and was a visiting professor at Trinity College Dublin from 2013-2014. All are welcome, free parking in Iot St-Patrick.

Location: St. Patrick’s Church, 1145 rue de Salaberry Quebec QC
Date: Monday, February 13, 2017
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
Rotary Club-Mother’s Day High Tea
Feb 14 @ 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Rotary Club-Mother’s Day High Tea

The Rotary Club is hosting a Mother’s Day High Tea on 14 May 2017 from 2-5pm.  It will be held at the Petit Séminaire de Québec in the Salle des Promotions to raise money for Les Jeunes Générations – Literacy and World Citizens.  

Volunteers are requested:  men are needed to serve and women are asked to lend a hand by providing scones, cupcakes, etc.  All are welcome to attend the event and women are invited to wear their best bonnet.  There will be entertainment and door prizes.  For more information or to offer your assistance, contact Karen Hilchey, at karenhilchey2009@live.ca or by calling 418-655-5276.

Beatles’ concert with Roxane Del and Guy St-Onge- Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
Feb 14 @ 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Beatles’ concert with Roxane Del and Guy St-Onge

In honour of VALENTINE’S DAY – Roxane Del and her “Fab Four” quartet and the Guy St-Onge trio present Love, Love, Love, extracts from Del’s latest album, and new arrangements by St-Onge. Together on stage with eight musicians, connected by their friendship and the Orchestre Symphonique de Québec, they will interpret magnificent music of the Beatles! Recipe for a magical concert: “Take the Beatles’ greatest hits, peel and simmer slowly with love and respect. Add a wisp of impressionism with the colours of Debussy, a touch of poetic jazz with a bouquet garni of Bill Evans and flavour it with the zest of violins. Let it rest on a grand piano and serve with virtuosity.” Bon concert! At the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, 31 rue Des Jardins, Old Quebec. Tickets $24.14 (taxes included) at lepointdevente.com or roxanedel.com

Location: Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, 31 Rue des Jardins, Old Quebec
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Feb 15 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



Feb 16 all day

Immersions Quebec

Help Share Quebec’s Culture by Joining Our Team!

L’epiCentre du Quartier, a charitable organization whose mission includes helping immigrants integrate into Quebec’s society and culture, is launching an exciting new program – Immersions Quebec– and we’d love to have you join us as a Volunteer Facilitator!

What is Immersions Quebec?

Unlike a traditional classroom-based language program, Immersions Quebec is designed to apply existing French and English language skills. As such, an Immersion is neither a guided tour nor a language lesson – it is a facilitated exploration of cultural sites, shopping districts and other venues during which participants use a second language to learn about and discuss Quebec’s culture, heritage and daily life.

Facilitated Experiences – not Guided Tours…

Immersion Quebec offers facilitated visits, not guided tours. During a guided tour, the guide does most of the talking. Not so with an Immersion. The mission of our Volunteer Facilitators is to induce participants to practice their language skills by having them d the talking. To facilitate this, prior to an Immersion experience participants will be asked to do a bit of homework – to

review reference material concerning the sites to be visited. In doing so, they come with at least some prior knowledge. The job of our facilitators is to evoke that knowledge, call on prior experiences and encourage free discussion along the way.

Who are the Participants?

Immersion participants come from all quarters – new permanent residents, students, temporary residents, tourists, and even native Quebecois(es). For new residents and tourists that want to learn more about the city, its people and culture, there’s no better way than through an Immersion experience. For native Quebecois(es) who would like to re-experience their city and culture in a second language such as English, Immersions encourage practical language use in a familiar setting rather than a sterile, classroom-based language lesson.

Your Role as a Volunteer Facilitator.

As a Volunteer Facilitator you will be helping a group of five to seven people experience Quebec City as never before. Using your French and/or English language skills, knowledge of the City, and your personal experience, you will lead participants through neighborhoods or other areas they may not be familiar with, encourage discussion in the target language about what those areas have to offer, and last but not least, facilitate an engaging and enjoyable learning experience participants will want to continue by participating in other Immersion offerings.

Will I Receive Training?

Yes, absolutely! As a future Volunteer Facilitator, you will receive both classroom and on-the-ground training to familiarize you with the mission and function of a Facilitator. This includes an introduction to Immersion locales as well as access to reference materials and other documentation designed to help make your work both enjoyable and effective.

What Sort of Time Commitment is Involved?

After you have completed one two-hour classroom session and two on-the-ground training sessions, you will be free to determine your own schedule electronically. Ideally, once you’ve completed training, we’d like to have you facilitate four Immersions per month. If you can do more that’s great – if you want to do less, that’s fine too. It’s all up to you.

Are there Physical Requirements?

Yes. Working as a Volunteer Facilitator requires the ability to walk two kilometers. Otherwise, there is no lifting, carrying or other physical work involved.

Are there any other requirements?

Only that you enjoy working with people, can engage them in lively conversation, and finally, love showing off the rich culture and heritage of Quebec City.

How do I get started?

To get more information about Immersions Quebec and your potential role as a Facilitator, please contact: Joseph Ramunniat 418-661-7766 or by email at ramunnij@gmail.com.


Thanks for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!

Feb 17 @ 4:30 AM – 6:30 AM

Chit Chat Club

The Chit Chat Club is currently at max capacity for volunteers and participants. We are always looking for English-speaking volunteer monitors  to facilitate the chatting at the tables while we work.

The Chitchat Club is tailor-made for those who wish to practice speaking French and/or English while keeping their hands busy. Volunteer second language teachers act as conversation monitors and guide discussion groups while chatty volunteers work in teams to wash toys, prepare children’s crafts, organize cupboards, fold pamphlets and attend to other interesting assignments for the Wellness Centre programs.

Upcoming Dates

Fridays, 9:30 to 11:30 am

September 30, 2016
October 28, 2016
November 25, 2016
January 20, 2017
February 17, 2017
March 31, 2017
May 26, 2017


Special Request

We are still currently looking for native English-speaking volunteers to facilitate the chatting at these tables while we work. Many of our volunteers are very eager to hear and speak in English with English-speakers. If you are interested in helping in this way, we would happily welcome new additions to our team. For more information, please call 418-683-2366 ext.222.

My Morrin Series: Genealogy Workshop-Morrin Centre
Feb 18 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM

My Morrin Series: Genealogy Workshop

My Morrin Series: Genealogy Workshop. There has never been a better time to look into your family tree: whether you wish to leave a legacy to your children, connect yourself with your ancestors, or research that quirky family story to see if it has any merit. In this hands-on workshop, member Lorie Pierce will use her personal experiences to launch you on creating your own family tree. She will discuss what worked for her and what didn’t; from gathering information, stories, and pictures, to pulling it all together. With Pierce’s help, you will learn more about how to research your own genealogy, as well as the tools that will assist you. Books from the Morrin Centre Library will be available to help you in your search. General admission $5. Free for LHSQ members.

Location: Morrin Centre, 44 Chaussée des Écossais, Québec
Date: Saturday, February 18, 2017
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
Feb 20 all day

The Volunteer program of the Valcartier Family Centre

Many volunteer opportunities are available, see www.familyforce.ca. If you would like to be part of our dynamic group or if you have questions or comments, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at the VFC.

Julie Lessard

Programme d’Action bénévole du Centre de la Famille Valcartier

Plusieurs occasions de bénévolat sont disponibles, à www.familyforce.ca. Si vous souhaitez faire partie de notre équipe dynamique ou si vous avez des questions ou commentaires, contactez la personne responsable de l’action bénévole du CFV.

Julie Lessard

The Life and Times of Beatrix Potter-Valcartier Family Centre
Feb 21 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM

Tuesday and Wednesday February 21st and 22nd  (Two-part series)
The Life and Times of Beatrix Potter
Presenter: Meb Reisner

Beatrix Potter is a familiar and much loved author of such children’s classics as The Tale of Peter Rabbit, but her own story is less well known.

An amateur artist, naturalist and secret chronicler from her early childhood, she was able to escape the repressive world of her Victorian upbringing, survive a tragic love story, brave the unfamiliar world of publishers and publishing, and reinvent herself as a passionate environmentalist. 

Participants will explore the magical world which Potter invented and into which she escaped, examine her meticulously observed characters, and follow her career as she re-invents herself at least three times in the course of a long, eventually happy and remarkably unusual life.

Tuesday AND Wednesday February 21st and 22nd
Venue: Valcartier Family Centre, 1039 avenue Wolfe,
Ste. Foy, (QC) G1V3J9
Time: 10am – noon
Free parking.  Suitable for all mobility levels.

Quebec City Women’s Club: Pot Luck Supper
Feb 22 all day

Quebec City Women’s Club: Pot Luck Supper

Quebec City Women’s Club Pot Luck Supper: For time and place contact Joan Valois at 418 681-7441 or Jeanne.Valois.1@ulaval.ca

The Life and Times of Beatrix Potter-Valcartier Family Centre
Feb 22 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM

Tuesday and Wednesday February 21st and 22nd  (Two-part series)
The Life and Times of Beatrix Potter
Presenter: Meb Reisner

Beatrix Potter is a familiar and much loved author of such children’s classics as The Tale of Peter Rabbit, but her own story is less well known.

An amateur artist, naturalist and secret chronicler from her early childhood, she was able to escape the repressive world of her Victorian upbringing, survive a tragic love story, brave the unfamiliar world of publishers and publishing, and reinvent herself as a passionate environmentalist. 

Participants will explore the magical world which Potter invented and into which she escaped, examine her meticulously observed characters, and follow her career as she re-invents herself at least three times in the course of a long, eventually happy and remarkably unusual life.

Tuesday AND Wednesday February 21st and 22nd
Venue: Valcartier Family Centre, 1039 avenue Wolfe,
Ste. Foy, (QC) G1V3J9
Time: 10am – noon
Free parking.  Suitable for all mobility levels.

Kirk Hall Crafters-Kirk Hall
Feb 22 @ 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Kirk Hall Crafters



St.Brigid’s Home: Powers of Attorney, Protection Mandates and Advance Medical Directives:
Feb 22 @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Subject: Powers of Attorney, Protection Mandates and Advance Medical Directives: Know Your Rights & Protect Yourself

Your invited to a Community Health Education Program (CHEP) Videoconference

Speaker: Sarah Dougherty, Lawyer with Éducaloi

When: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 from 10 am to noon

Where: Foundation Room in the basement of St. Brigid’s Home (1645 ch. St-Louis in Sillery, Qc G1S 4M3) Free parking is available for this activity.

About this Session:
This health education session will explain three key legal documents you can use to protect yourself. It will sort out some common myths and give you tools to create documents tailored to your situation. This session is for seniors, family members, caregivers and professionals.

Topics that will be explored include:
* Differences between powers of attorney, protection mandates and advance medical directives
* How to make these documents and what to put in them
* Local resources and model documents
* Next steps: how to take action

For more information or to register, please contact: Jan Anderson, Community Organizer 418 684-5333 Ext 1539

A CHSSN initiative funded by Health Canada through the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities.

Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
Volunteer Networking Event
Feb 22 @ 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Volunteer Networking Event

Voice of English-speaking Québec is happy to invite you to its volunteering networking event on February 22nd from 5-7pm at Québec High School. The event is free and includes:

-Free appetizers throughout the evening
-A chance to meet volunteer coordinators from French and English organizations (Find out about how to volunteer directly with youth)
-An opportunity to network with fellow volunteers.feb-22nd-volunteer-networking-event-eng

To ensure there is food for everyone, please RSVP by February 20th by calling 418-683-2366 ext.222 or by emailing daniel.potter@veq.ca.

Méduse-Manifd’art 8
Feb 23 @ 5:00 AM – 6:30 AM

 Méduse. Manifd’art 8

This winter, two major cultural events will be held in Méduse. Manif d’art 8, the Québec City Biennial, and Mois Multi 18, an International Multidisciplinary Arts and Electronics Festival. They unite to offer a series of activities.

One of Canada’s foremost contemporary art biennials, Manif d’art 8 presents the work of some 100 artists from all disciplines. In addition to exhibitions, the event offers an array of activities based on a central theme, distinct for each edition. Since its inception in the fall of 2000, over 30 cultural organizations have helped to make this international festival an absolute must on the arts scene. Its far-reaching program appeals to specialists and novices alike.

Date: Friday, February 24th, 2017.

Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am

Meet in lobby at 9:45 am ( tour will begin at 10:00 am)

Cost: The entrance fee and tour are free, but parking is not included.

Where: MÉDUSE, 650 côte d’Abraham, Québec (QC) G1R 1A1

Coopérative Méduse does not have its own parking, but it is located in downtown Quebec City with abundant parking options nearby. To find out more visit the websites of the City of Quebec and quartier Saint-Roch.

Bus: Take the 800 or the 801 or for other bus options visit the website of RTC.

This event is suitable for all mobility levels.

Please call or email to register for this event.

Visions of “Community”-Morrin Centre
Feb 23 @ 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Visions of “Community”

What does “Community” mean to you?

Take part in three mixed media workshops and express your own unique visual representation of what being part of a community means!

With the help of Louis-Robert Bouchard from the collective Interférences, arts et technologies, using innovative techniques and tools of the digital trade, your own experiences will come to life!

In order to participate in this project, you will have to be able to attend all three workshops.

The final project will be unveiled on March 18 during a special launch party.

Sign your team up at
or call 418 694-9147 for details.

January 26, February 23 and March 2 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Location: Morrin Centre, 44 Chaussée des Écossais, Québec
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm EST
Duration: 3 hours
Creative Expressions for Caregivers-Jeffery Hale Pavilion
Feb 23 @ 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Creative Expressions for Caregivers

If you are caring for an aging loved one and long for a little creative time to yourself, this is the place for you! Join us and meet others who are living the same caregiver realities. Treat yourself to some ME time and enjoy discovering your creative side. Art materials are provided free of charge and parking is free. If you are reluctant to attend because you cannot leave your loved one alone, please let us know so we can find a way to assist you. Call 418 684-5333 Ext 1539 to register. For more information about other services for English-speaking caregivers please visit: http://wejh.ca/programs/caring-circle/

Location: JH Pavilion 1270 chemin Ste-Foy (2nd floor community art room) Quebec, Qc G1S 2M4
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
La Baratte-Bénévolat
Feb 24 @ 3:30 AM – 7:00 AM

La Baratte

  • Service de livraison de repas à domicile, soit en étant conducteur ou baladeur. Consiste à livrer des repas chauds aux personnes en perte d’autonomie, sur l’heure du dîner. Demande une présence entre 10 h et 12h30. Le service est proposé du Lundi au Vendredi. Votre implication est selon votre disponibilité.
  • Service à la clientèle pour la vente de produits congelés aux familles démunies. Situé au 2120 rue boivin
  • Service d’aide à la cuisine pour la préparation des mets. Demande une présence d’un minimum de 2 h par semaine, le matin ou l’après-midi selon les heures d’ouverture de l’organisme (8h-15h45)
  • Commis à la réception 
    Demande une présence d’un minimum de 2 h par semaine, le matin ou l’après-midi selon les heures d’ouverture de l’organisme (8h-15h45)
Volunteers needed for upcoming Biathlon event
Feb 25 @ 3:00 AM – 9:00 AM
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