Voice of English-Speaking Québec

Looking for services?
New to the city?

VEQ is here to help!

VEQ helps you connect with the English-speaking community!

As an active, non-profit organization that currently has over 4000 members, VEQ has played a vital part in the preservation and development of community life for the English-speaking community for over three decades. Currently, VEQ has active partnerships with over 60 community organizations, institutions, and groups in the area.

Furthermore, VEQ helps individuals participate in community life in the Quebec City region, in both French and English. We welcome newcomers, sponsor community celebrations, research needs, inform citizens, and provide a framework for effective action on behalf of English-speaking people and institutions.

What we do

Free and personalized assistance

If you need assistance or services in English, contact us today and one of our helpful staff members will be happy to help you find what you need.

Welcome kit, Community Directory and more

Looking for free and useful information? Looking for an English-speaking service provider? We are here to help you connect to the right resources.

Find services, resources and activities in English

VEQ acts as a hub of information for the English-speaking community, offers referral services and keeps people up-to-date on upcoming activities and events.

Get involved with the community

New to the region or looking to explore the English-speaking community? Volunteering can help you establish a social network and make new friends. Contact us to learn more.

Job Bank

Looking for a job? The Job Bank can connect you to employers who need English-speaking or bilingual talents. If you are an employer, VEQ can provide you with direct access to Quebec City’s bilingual English-speaking community.

Regular events and informational activities for newcomers

VEQ offers regular Finding Your Niche for Newcomers (FYNN) information sessions and events. Check out the events calendar or contact us to learn more.

Become a member

It's free

Being a member helps you connect with local English-speaking people and organizations. Receive VEQ’s newsletters as well as a copy of our Community Connection directory.

Directories and Newcomers Resources

Community Connection highlights community groups and businesses serving the English-speaking community, and provides valuable information to English-speaking residents of Quebec City, both new and old. This directory is intended to be a guide for anyone who is looking for English-speaking services or information in the region.

Business Directory

In the business section, you will find contact information for various companies that can provide their services in English.

Community Directory

In the community section, you will find various organizations and institutions that can meet a wide range of needs.
The Voice of English-speaking Québec is dedicated to helping newcomers adjust to life in the Greater Quebec City region.


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