Ticks & Lyme Disease – An Update with Kadeja Lefebvre, Naturopathic Practitioner

May 19, 2021 @ 10:00 AM
From the comfort of your living room via Zoom
Claire Quenville, Well 50+ Program Coordinator

Lyme disease by tick bites poses a significant risks to Canadians spending more time outdoors and who may be at a greater risk of this severe illness that is ever-present and spreading.

Join us and learn how to stay safe as you live, work and play outdoors.

This health video conference with Kadeja Lefebvre, Naturopathic Practitioner, will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, May 19th 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. ET

Click on the green Register Button above.

A CHSSN initiative funded through Health Canada’s Official Languages Health Contribution Program 2018-2023

Note: Naturopathy is not a regulated profession in the province of Quebec (unlike most other provinces). As such, naturopaths are limited in the level of care they can offer the public. Naturopathic plans include lifestyle and supplement suggestions. These are not to be construed as a prescription and are not meant to replace any current or future conventional medical care. Under no circumstances is a naturopath trying to impersonate a medical doctor.  Also, the services of naturopaths are not covered by the RAMQ.  The RAMQ website says that they may be covered only when provided in a facility (ie. hospital, CLSC, residential and long-term care centre, rehabilitation centre).


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