The Grief Recoery Method: Introductory Session

January 10, 2024 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Online on Zoom
Verity Jordan
418-684-5333, ext. 11932

Join CMA Medeiros, a trained and certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist, on Zoom for an introduction session to discover if the 8-week Grief Recovery Method course is right for you!

We encourage you to attend the Introduction Session if you are interested in attending the 8-week Grief Recovery Method course.

The Grief Recovery Method Introduction Session involves a group discussion about “What is Grief?” and describes the course format, what participants can expect from the Grief Recovery Method course, and what the Method expects from participants.

In the 8-week Grief Recovery Method course, CMA will guide you through the following:

  • Meet, discuss grief, reactions, and responses to grief, and get a clear view of how grief can build up.
  • Practice compassion for yourself and others, develop deep listening skills, and start to increase your vocabulary related to emotions.
  • Learn a practical lifelong skill for processing and dealing with loss and grief and how to listen and support others moving forward.
  • Equip yourself with a set of tools to recognize your feelings and emotions tied to losses, and to make choices about moving through grief that won’t weigh you down.

Register for the Introduction Session.

The Zoom link for the Introduction Session will be sent out by email after registration.

Registration for the 8-week course will open after the Introduction Session.

For more information

Research at Kent State University has shown that The Grief Recovery Method approach to helping grievers deal with the pain of emotional loss in any relationship is evidence-based and effective.  To find out more about The Grief Recovery Method and to download free e-books on grief, visit the Grief Recovery website.


Please contact Verity, WE Mind Mental Health Program Coordinator, by email or phone at 418-684-5333, ext. 11932.

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

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