Straight Talk about End of Life Options: Community Outreach for Seniors and their Caregivers

October 7, 2020 @ 10:00 AM
From the comfort of your home via video-conference
4186845333 Ext. 1539

If you are approaching the end of life, or you care for someone who is, there are a number of options for care under Canada and Quebec’s current laws. Join us as our special guest speaker, Jennifer Hobbs Robert, Senior Advisor with JH Partners (retired Director of Nursing & Quality with Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s) and Accreditation Canada Surveyor explains the various  options. Find out how you can ensure that treatment is consistent with your final requests, or those of your loved one.

Gain a better understanding of what is meant by the terms palliative care, do not resuscitate orders; refusal or withdrawal of treatment; refusal of food and drink; palliative sedation to ensure comfort, medical assistance in dying and advanced medical directives.

This  event is being offered twice on October 7th – morning and evening. Please let us know which session you plan on attending. For more information or to register, please  contact Jan Anderson, Community Organizer  418 684-5333, Ext 1539 or . You will then receive the log-in details so you can participate using your cellphone, tablet, computer, laptop or landline.

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