Morrin Centre seeking volunteers

December 1, 2016 @ 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Morrin Centre
44 Chaussée des Écossais
Ville de Québec
QC G1R 4H3
Rosemarie Fischer
418 694-9147 – extension 221

Morrin Centre seeking volunteers
The Morrin Centre, located in the heart of Old Quebec (44, chaussée des Écossais Québec), is seeking volunteers to lead their English Discussion Groups this fall.

There are currently three groups that meet on a weekly basis: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 7 pm and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3 pm.

We are looking for friendly, dynamic volunteers who have had some experience teaching or leading a group. Knowledge of French isn’t necessary as the Morrin Centre screens the participants to make sure that they have an intermediate knowledge of English. There is no curriculum to follow, but the discussion leader can help people with vocabulary and pronunciation and suggest topics for discussion.

The groups will begin meeting during the week of September 19th and finish the first week of December.
If you are available on Wednesday afternoons and/or Tuesday and Thursday evenings and are bilingual or a native speaker of English, please contact Rosemarie Fischer at 418 694-9147 – extension 221, or write to

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