Lunch and Learn: Blogging 101

May 2, 2018 @ 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM
Community Learning In Action presents Blogging 101: An Introduction to Blogging for Beginners.

In the world of social media, blogging is one of the most popular ways to communicate, spread and share information online. In this Lunch & Learn beginner Blogging Basics information session, you will learn 5 simple introductory steps in order for you to start building your own blog:

1. Why start a blog and what to blog about.
2. Choose your blog platform.
3. Choose your web host for your blog.
4. Setting up a blog on your own domain.
5. Designing blog basics.

Come and join us for a power hour of information and inspiration in our fully accessible space at the Eastern Québec Learning Centre. Parking is FREE, all sessions are FREE and include a light lunch. Space is limited and registration is essential.

For more information or to register please email or call 418.681.1258.

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