Lifelong Learning: Creative Song Writing with iPads

November 27, 2018 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Eastern Quebec Learning Centre
2nd Floor, 3005 William Stuart
Quebec (QC) G1W 1V4

This two-part workshop will introduce participants to creative music-making with iPads and other simple digital musical instruments. Digital musical instruments (including iPads) offer an inclusive opportunity for collaboration and creative expression through music. Participants will be guided in musical activities, which will include improvisation, song-making, exploration of sound, and learning to play personally meaningful songs with digital instruments.

Prior musical experience is not necessary – Andrea’s approach is based on the idea that we are ALL musicians, and her aim is to explore the ways in which technology can provide us with the means to engage with music-making.

NOTE: This is a two-day workshop and, although not mandatory, it is suggested that participants be available for both dates. iPads will be supplied for each participant.

Workshop 1: Tuesday, 13 November, 10 – 12pm
Workshop 2: Tuesday, 27 November, 10 – 12pm

The workshop will be held in the Lifelong Learning boardroom, room 201 (second floor). The boardroom is not accessible for all as it is located on the second floor of the EQLC.

Space is limited to 10 participants, registration is required and available to only Lifelong Learning members.

Contact Meghan at 418-681-1258 or at

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