Community Outreach to Seniors and their Caregivers: Tools for Planning Ahead (Online)

June 18, 2020 @ 10:00 AM
From the comfort of your home via videoconference
4186845333 EXT. 1539

Planning ahead – no matter your age – makes things easier for people who might have to manage your affairs. Decide what is important for the future for you and those around you. Make sure your documents reflect your wishes and tell your loved ones. Learn about the legal tools that are available for all Quebecers such as  powers of attorney, protection mandates, wills and advance medical directives.

Join us as Richard Goldman, Laywer with Éducaloi explains what options are available, and how you can access them. There will be time for participants to ask questions. Jennifer Hobbs-Robert, Senior Advisor with JH Partners (retired Director of Nursing & Quality with Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s and Accreditation Canada Surveyor) will also be present to respond to questions of a medical nature regarding these planning tools.

Pre-registration is necessary so we can send you the log-in details prior to the session. All you need to take part is internet access and a smart phone, tablet, laptop or computer with webcam. If you require technical assistance to help you feel more comfortable with this format, just ask and we will be happy to assist you. 

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