Community Outreach Session: Better Communication with Memory Impaired Loved Ones

June 19, 2019 @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Eastern Quebec Learning Centre 
rue William Stuart, Quebec
QC G1W 1V4
Jan Anderson
418-684-5333 Ext 1539

Do you have a close tie with someone living with memory loss? If so, you are not alone. The Alzheimers’ Society of Canada tells us that the disease affects 1.1 M Canadians directly or indirectly. Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias slowly erode a person’s ability to communicate. Memory impairment can be isolating for the one experiencing it as well as for those providing caring. Conversations may become awkward and frustrating. You may feel tempted to give up trying to connect. Communication with a person with Alzheimer’s requires patience, understanding and good listening skills. Join us as Geneviève Gaboury, Counsellor with la Société Alzheimer de Québec, presents effective, supportive ways to help you and the person with dementia understand each other better. Learn how to become part of a new wave to make our daily conversations more inclusive!


This free event  is taking place in collaboration with Life Long Learning and will be held at Eastern Quebec Learning Centre  (3005, rue William Stuart, Quebec, QC G1W 1V4) in room 118 on WednesdayJune 19 starting at 10 am. To register, please contact Jan Anderson, Community Organizer at 418-684-5333 Ext 1539 or


Community Outreach Session: Better Communication with Memory Impaired Loved Ones

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