Community Outreach: Ageism Awareness Workshop

April 29, 2021 @ 11:00 AM
From the comfort of your home via video-conference
4186845333 Ext. 1539

The community Wellness Centre in conjunction wth The Observatory on Aging & Society (OAS) invites you to participate in a one-hour virtual  workshop focused on ageism awareness.

The OAS, a non-profit organization that has been active in Quebec for nearly two decades, has given itself the mission of improving the quality of life of seniors and facing the challenges of ageism as a form of abuse and its consequences within our society. The OAS wishes to change the way we look at aging and seniors. The OAS innovates by using various means to raise awareness among seniors, such as a comic strip it has created entitled: Ageism at a Glance, How Does it Happen?

This tool will be used to demystify ageism, promote care efforts towards seniors and foster healthy intergenerational relationships. The themes illustrated in  comic strip fashion have been observed in various areas of our society, such as family, education, work, health, media and politics.

We look forward to an intergenerational conversation and productive discussion as we explore the timely topic of ageism together. To obtain login details for this free event please contact Jan Anderson, Community Organizer with the WE  by the April 26 registration deadline.

This session is free of charge as part of a grant from the Québec Ami des Aînés (QADA) program.


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