Caring Circle Café – What You Need to Know about the Health Care Complaint Process in Quebec

February 7, 2019 @ 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Eastern Quebec Learning Centre
rue William Stuart, Quebec
QC G1W 1V4

Come discover why filing a complaint can be a positive action with Ian Renaud-Lauzé, from the CAAP-CN Annalisa Turner, member of the  JHSB User’s Ctte.  You and the person you are caring for have legal rights. If you are disastified with quality of health and social services care you have received, you can  use your voice to signal a problem and help get it corrected. Join us for an informative discussion to help caregivers, seniors and all of us better understand our rights and how the complaint process can actually improve exisiting services. In addition, Annalisa will help us to understand the vital  role a Users’ Committee plays in ensuring the best care possible for clients in a healthcare setting.

This activity is taking place in collaboration with Life Long Learning and will be held at Eastern Quebec Learning Centre  (3005, rue William Stuart, Quebec, QC G1W 1V4) on Thursday, February 7 starting at 10 am. To register, please contact Jan Anderson, Community Organizer at 418-684-5333 Ext 1539 or

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