Caregivers’ Café Online: Taking Care of Me – Tips for Dealing with Anxiety

September 24, 2020 @ 7:00 PM

Caregivers notoriously put the needs of others before their own. This can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. Add a pandemic to the mix and chances are you could use a little TLC and advice from professionals on how to take better care of yourself right now.  Join us for the last in our 3-part online summer series entitled Taking Care of ME!

Registration is necessary to obtain log-in information. Kindly email our community organizer for all the details:

September 24 – 7 pm:  Tips for Dealing with Anxiety in these Unusual Times with psychologist, David Martin


Caring for a loved one strains even the most resilient people. It is natural to feel stressed and anxious on occasion but constant worrying and preoccupation with worst-case scenarios can be unproductive and even paralyzing. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms including sleeplessness, heart racing, sweating, trembling and fatigue. Anxiety can steal your joy and your health. Join us for an interesting session with psychologist, David Martin as we explore practical ways to manage stress and overcome caregiver anxiety even in the midst of a pandemic.

These activities are made possible thanks to  funding from

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