Caregivers Café: Anger & Caregiving – Something We Rarely Dare to Talk About

January 11, 2021 @ 7:00 PM
From the comfort of your home via video-conference
4186845333 Ext. 1539

When family caregivers open up about their emotions, they are often mention feelings of stress, sadness and depression. But we rarely  talk about the anger, impatience and even rage that can flare up in an instant. Who hasn’t snapped back  during their caregiving journey and then relentlessly beat themselves up for it later? If you have ever felt like clenching your fists and screaming in frustration, you are not alone. Most caregivers probably experience these strong emotions from time to time.

Anger is an important emotion to explore and understand within the caregiving relationship. This Caregivers’ Café session will help you build a greater understanding of anger and your relationship to the emotion. Participants will be encouraged to articulate their feelings around anger and discuss how they express anger within their caregiving relationships. Together we will explore new ways to cope with  anger and dare to talk about it openly.  To join this online conversation, simly  contact our community orgnaizer for the Zoom log-in details

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