Caregivers’ Café: An Introduction to Online Art Therapy

April 30, 2020 @ 7:00 PM
418-684-5333, ext. 1539

Experience the Soothing Effect of Art Therapy

Are you caring for a senior loved one? Whether they live with you or at Saint Brigid’s Home or elsewhere the support you provide is invaluable. It can also be physically and emotional draining, particularly in these unusual times of physical distancing.  

Would you like to recharge your batteries and enjoy the company of other English-speaking caregivers? The Wellness Centre will be offering Online Art Therapy for the first time ever using materials you have in your home.

We invite you to join us for a FREE introductory session as we explore the brand new world of art therapy via videoconferencing.  This is your chance to try something new and refreshing. By sharing and learning together, we can all enlarge our local circle of care. Do  yourself and your loved one a favour by taking some time for yourself to learn more about the soothing effect of art therapy.

When: Thursday, April 30, 2020 starting at 7 pm

Where: From the comfort and safety of your home via videoconference technology.

Facilitator: Sophie Lessard-Latendresse

Registration is necessary, as places are limited. Please contact: Jan Anderson, Community Organizer for more information.

This activity is made possible thanks to funding from:


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