Community Directory

About this Directory

VEQ produces this useful directory every three years. Community Connection highlights community groups and businesses serving the English-speaking community, and provides valuable information to English-speaking residents of Quebec City, both new and old. This directory is intended to be a guide for anyone who is looking for English-speaking services or information in the region.

How to use this directory

This directory includes an introduction section and three sections: Community, Business and Newcomers. In the community section, you will find various organizations and institutions that can meet a wide range of needs. The organizations and groups range from educational to health and social services to those serving the community. In the business section, you will find contact information for various companies that can provide their services in English. In the newcomers section, you will find a great deal of useful information to help you orient yourself in Quebec City and support your integration process. Each section is prefaced with a user friendly index for quick reference. If there is a specific topic you are looking for, this will be extremely useful to you.

Please contact us if you have any questions about any other information needs. VEQ can be reached by phone Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm at 418-683-2366, or by email at

Does your business or organization provide services in English?

Our Community Connection directory is one of the best tools we use to connect with the English-speaking community. We are currently working on a new directory to be launched in 2019. For more information on advertising your business or organization, click here.

Thank you

Thank you to all the community groups and businesses who have participated in this edition of the Community Connection. Without your support, this useful tool would not have been possible.

Faculté des sciences de l’administration (FSA ULaval)

With world-class programs, more than 100 professors, and seasoned researchers, FSA ULaval brings performance, ethics and sustainable development together to move the business world forward. At FSA Ulaval, you can pursue your studies in English at the BBA or MBA…

Contact information

Festival Celtique de Québec

Every year, in September, the Quebec City Celtic Festival’s mission is to introduce Quebecers to their celtic roots and to celebrate the culture of the ancient Celts, especially those from Brittany, Ireland and Scotland.

Contact information

FORT Program – Valcartier Family Center (VFC)

Free career or vocational counselling. Job postings and information on opportunities for English speakers. Bilingual resource centre and assistance. Free access to Internet and office equipment. Sainte-Foy Location 418-649-6505 or 418-844-6060 2630 Boul. Hochelaga Quebec, QC G1V 0H2

Contact information

Fraser Recovery Program

The Fraser Recovery Program is a substance abuse recovery organization for Quebec City youth and their parents.

Contact information

Holland Elementary School

Holland School’s Vision: I Learn, I care for others, I am responsible. Together we share a joy of learning. We believe in curiosity, autonomy, imagination, and success for all.

Contact information

Hôpital Jeffery Hale Hospital

Contact information

Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis

Contact information

  • 143, rue Wolfe Lévis (Québec) G6V 3Z1
  • 418-835-7121

Irish Heritage Quebec

Irish Heritage Quebec is an historical society for the study and promotion of the history, heritage and genealogy of the Irish community of Quebec. Membership inquiries welcome.

Contact information

Jacques Cartier Curling Club

The Curling Club Jacques-Cartier has a renowned reputation for the warm hospitality that its members have always been able to offer those who come to visit.

Contact information

  • 1015, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest Québec (Québec) G1S 1T7
  • 418-683-4431

Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s Friends’ Foundation

The mission of the Friends’ Foundation is to raise money to support Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s in its quest to provide quality health and social services to all its residents and clients.

Contact information

  • 1270, chemin Sainte-Foy, suite 2000 Québec (Québec) G1S 2M4
  • (418) 684-5333 ext. 1439 or toll-free: 1 888 984-5333 ext. 1439
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